
get object entity in twig

I have an array of objects

$objects = fetch objects from DB using Doctrine

In twig I want to make a foreach loop that displays the entity class names of the objects. I want this because the array exists out of different objects.

So i try this, ofcourse this does not work.

{% for object in objects %}
    {{ object.entityClassName }}
{% endfor %}

How can i display the entity class name of the objects in twig?

I looked up this question : how can we get class name of the entity object in twig view

Is there a more simple solution to this problem? Wih


  • Simplest way is like one in that link You pasted:

    public function getClassName()
        return (new \ReflectionClass($this))->getShortName();

    Add method above into your entity and than use it in twig:

    {{ object.className }}