
How to load a controller by default for any page load for a single page app

I am having a single page application, and I want a controller to be loaded only once whenever someone opens my url irrespective of the state.

I have a controller something like this:

app.controller('someController', ['$scope', function($scope){
    $scope.somefunction = function(){
      console.log("Some function is called ");

I want this to be loaded only once when someone opens any of my page.

Currently I tried to add this under my header.html file something like this:

<div class="" ng-controller="someController"></div>

This way I can call this controller for any of the page but the problem is that it will be called everytime if user changes page.

I think there may be some way to add this function under app.js or other some better way to call only once on page load.

Can anyone please help me here.


  • It sounds like for what you want, you should put the controller on the parent div of the ui-view:

    <div class="container" ng-controller="someController">
        <div ui-view></div>