
MODX revolution: get second level children

I've got url:

In my structure I have clinic -> parent -> final resource to sort out

I have this:

    &sortby=`FIELD(, 456,331,390,491,2756,505,634,699,941,1044,1377,1436,1449,1678,1722,1711,1828,2007,2094,2184,2324,2487,2527)`
    &where=`[{"introtext:LIKE":"%[[!searchFieldClinic? &field=`spec`]]%", "AND:template:=":104}]`]]
[[+total:is=``:then=`&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;nothing found.<br/><br/><br/>`:else=``]]

It sorts out the pages with introtext taken from url &spec=myspecialisation perfectly fine

Problem: The &parents=10,15,12 list in the getPage statement should be the list of pages that are children of the pages that are specified in clinic=21 parameter in url

How can I do that? Thanks a lot in advance.


  • &parents='21' &hideContainers='1' 

    You will hide children of clinic, which are parents of other resources. And maybe you should increase &depth