I'm thinking to develop a full-fledged Identity System in Laravel 5 with Passport.
Following is my requirement:
Things I've tried:
I know OAuth 2.0 is not an authentication protocol. Rather it uses something called Authorization but we probably can make it work to support Authentication protocol as mentioned here. Is it something, that Laravel passport supports?
This is what I call a resource oriented approach where all the clients(app1, app2...) want to know weather requesting user is authorized to access the resource or not...
Here we need to shift all the authenticating logic to oauth and make all our requesting apps dependent on OAuth. This way if user request app to access resources then if:
Token is present then app will request oauth server to validate given token and if found true then app will provide access to user.
If token is not present then you can solve it by asking for credential and app will transfer user data to oAuth server and validate it respond with the token.
As per my experience I use to implement this approach and I think Laravel Passport is an abstraction layer over top of your authenticating system. You can mold it however you need. There are few more enhancement and advancement can be done but this would work as a basic layer over top of your SSO.