
Nagios JMX Plugin check_jmx command not found

I am setting up the monitoring Kafka with Icinga2 as specified here. I am using Centos7 and following the steps mentioned below

Step 1: Downloaded Check_JMX plugin by issuing the command

wget -c http://snippets.syabru.ch/nagios-jmx-plugin/download/nagios-jmx-plugin.zip

Step 2: Extracted downloaded archive and copied check_jmx and check_jmx.jar to /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ folder

Step 3: Verifying the Installation by issuing the command

/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_jmx –help

and getting the following error:

-bash: ./check_jmx: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory


  • Resolved this issue by installing and using dos2unix check_jmx