
ruby appium driver tap gesture does not work


Wanted action/step to perform


require 'appium_lib'
require 'touch_action'
grid_url = "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" 
capabilities = {
'browserName' => 'chrome',
'platformName' => 'Android',
'deviceName' => 'Nexus5',
'newCommandTimeout' => '15000',
'javascript_enabled' => true 
browser = capabilities, url: grid_url).start_driver
sleep 5
inputfield = browser.find_element(:id, 'lst-ib')
inputfield.send_keys("appium mobile gestures ruby")
sleep 2
button = browser.find_element(:id, 'tsbb')

So far so good. But when I try to perform a tab action. it fails

irb(main):026:0> button.touch_action(:tap)
NoMethodError: undefined method `executeScript' for #<Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::OSS::Bridge:0x3119b50>
from C:/Ruby23/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/touch_action-1.3.3/lib/touch_action/selenium-webdriver.rb:9:in `touch_action'
from (irb):26
from C:/Ruby23/bin/irb.cmd:19:in `<main>'

I have the feeling I miss something small a detail (I'm new to appium), I just don't see the mistake I make here. So if someone can point me in the right direction that would be really helpful. For example scrolling also did not do anything for me (just returned nil)

I also tried some other commands that I found here:

For example driver.lock (in my case browser.lock), worked so I can interact with the phone commands. It just looks like I can't do anything with the website besides finding elements, .get and .click (I was also not able to scroll to an element or scroll down).

I even tried this on the website to be sure there was an element that tab being suppose to be responding to touch events (the id hitarea), same result.


  • So maybe my initial question was not really clear, but I really had no clue what I exaclty was looking for either (not that many examples about ruby + appium + touch action in combination with tests on Android + Chrome)

    So I tried the touch_action ruby gem. Unfortunatelly this was not what I was looking for. Maybe I'm doing something basic wrong, but I could not get it to work with the latest watir and selenium-webdriver.

    Then I tried appium_lib which gave me a bit of a headacke since I saw so many examples (even some good ruby ones), but again I did exactly the same and it did not seem to work on my machine. The problem with my setup was that the driver was in the CHROMIUM context and Appium::TouchAction .perform can only be done in the NATIVE_APP context. So keep that in mind when using the appium/android driver and you want to use the TouchAction events.