
DNN New User Verification Code Not Working

I've got a site setup where the user registration is set to 'Verified' but the link, that is emailed the new user to verify the account, is broken. The page says: "DNN Error No sites currently exist for this installation. - 503 Service Unavailable"

The link would look something like this: [MYSITE]/default.aspx?ctl=Login&username=[USERNAME]&verificationcode=[CODE]

The site then rewrites it to: [MYSITE]/login/username/[USERNAME]?verificationcode=[CODE]

After initial registration BUT before the user is verified, DNN automatically logs the user in (though limited access because they are unverified) but if user logs out THEN follows link from email, then verification works fine

Using DNN Version 08.00.04 (226)


  • Found solution here:

    Change 2 line in this file: /DesktopModules/AuthenticationServices/DNN/Login.ascx

    Change line 46 from:

    var actionLinks = $("a#dnn_ctr<%=ModuleId > Null.NullInteger ? ModuleId.ToString() : ""%>_Login_Login_DNN_cmdLogin");


    var actionLinks = $("a#dnn_ctr<%#ModuleId > Null.NullInteger ? ModuleId.ToString() : ""%>_Login_Login_DNN_cmdLogin");

    AND line 60 from:

    var $loginButton = $('#dnn_ctr<%=ModuleId > Null.NullInteger ? ModuleId.ToString() : ""%>_Login_Login_DNN_cmdLogin');


    var $loginButton = $('#dnn_ctr<%#ModuleId > Null.NullInteger ? ModuleId.ToString() : ""%>_Login_Login_DNN_cmdLogin');