
Clojure multimethod dispatch by java generics

Possible solution that I need:

How to implement a multimethod for a collection of type like Map<javaType, javaType>? Something like this:

(defmethod multimethod Map<javaType,javaType> [map]
  {(.key (first map)) (.value (first map))}) 

Whole explanation of my problem

Maybe the question above is not the solution I need to solve my problem (it's just I think that the implementation with generics can solve my problem), so I think I need to provide the whole explanation of what is my problem and ask community what I need to do.

I work with a java library in Clojure. Some functions return me java classes that I want to convert to clojure maps. I'm doing this with library.

In most of cases this works fine. For some reason I need to implement multimethod for several classes:

;; From readme
(defmethod from-java YourJavaClass [instance]
  ; your custom logic for turing this instance into a clojure data structure)

But it's okay and this works fine:

(defmethod jd/from-java CurrencyPair [instance]
  (help/convert-market-keyword (.toString instance)))

But I encountered some class that can't be "mapped" for some reason.

(defmethod jd/from-java AccountInfo [instance]
  {:myWallet (jd/from-java (.getWallet instance))})

(defmethod jd/from-java Wallet [instance]
  {:myBalances (jd/from-java (.getBalances instance))})

(defmethod jd/from-java Balance [instance]

(defmethod jd/from-java Currency [instance]
  ;; e.g. converts Currency instance with field "BTC" to keyword :btc
  (help/convert-currency-keyword (.toString instance)))

After mapping an AccountInfo instance I expect to see this:

    {:btc "BALANCE!!!!"
     :eth "BALANCE!!!!"
     :usdt "BALANCE!!!!"

But see this:

    {#object[org.knowm.xchange.currency.Currency 0x4faae851 "BTC"] 
     #object[org.knowm.xchange.dto.account.Balance 0x42942aa9 "Balance [currency=GNT, total=null, available=0E-8, frozen=0E-8, borrowed=0, loaned=0, withdrawing=0, depositing=0]"],

     #object[org.knowm.xchange.currency.Currency 0x299d00e0 "ETH"] 
     #object[org.knowm.xchange.dto.account.Balance 0x23f7cb1d "Balance [currency=LSK, total=null, available=0E-8, frozen=0E-8, borrowed=0, loaned=0, withdrawing=0, depositing=0]"],

The returning value type of .getBalances() is Map<Currency,Balance> and it seems don't know how to work with maps.

So, my question (at the moment) is how to implement the multimethod for this kind of collection. Something like this:

(defmethod jd/from-java Map<Currency,Balance> [instance]
  {:cur "BALANCE!!!!"}) 

Just in case, the java library is XChange. The problem with Wallet class. Method getBalances().


  • As noted in the comments, using "generic types" at runtime is probably a non-starter. However, it appears that the library does not call from-java recursively on keys and values in Map instances. The default implementation of from-java for Map is just (into {} instance). Perhaps the specific problem the OP is facing can be solved by redefining from-java method for java.util.Map. The new implementation would apply from-java to all keys and values. For example:

    (defmethod jd/from-java java.util.Map
      (zipmap (map jd/from-java (keys m)) (map jd/from-java (vals m))))