I am using polymer-cli's build to build my polymer app. Some of our dependencies are closed-source js libraries, which are already minified. My polymer build configuration looks like:
"builds": [{
"name": "unbundled",
"addServiceWorker": false,
"addPushManifest": false,
"insertPrefetchLinks": false,
"js": {"minify": true, "compile": true},
"css": {"minify": true},
"html": {"minify": true}
}, ... ]
However, when polymer minifies the external js library code, that code breaks. So I need some way to exclude that js-code from being minified.
Any idea?
I believe currently there is no way to do it. The solution around it is to do an extra step to copy/overwrite from the source, to the build directory after the build process is completed.
Hope that helps!