I'm currently facing a difficulty where putting a comma-separated values to a MySQL NOT IN
doesn't give me the result I was hoping for. There must be something I'm missing as I'm unsure what to search for this particular problem. Running only the MySQL code works, but passing the parameter from another PHP function didn't.
Here's the code that's giving me a problem:
$uid = 1;
$selected_uids = '1,2';
$result = $db->retrieveFollowingWithCondition($uid, $selected_uids);
...then somewhere along the code...
public function retrieveFollowingWithCondition($uid, $selected_uids) {
$stmt = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT *
FROM `friendlist`
WHERE `uid` = ? AND `buddy_uid` NOT IN (?)
GROUP BY `buddy_uid`;");
$stmt->bind_param("is", $uid, $selected_uids);
I've tested just putting '2' in $selected_uids
and it actually works. But once there's comma involved, the code runs but the $selected_uids
are still in the result. Not sure this is a bad practice or just needing a minor adjustment to the code. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to understand why it's not working for me.
By using s
in bind_param
you are telling PHP to treat the entire contents of $selected_uids
as a string. Therefore, "1,2
" is treated as ('1,2')
instead of (1,2)
. Your problem is that bind_param
doesn't support arrays, so support of IN
queries is limited. There are a number of alternatives to get around this limitation, but since you are dealing with a list of ints, I would probably do a raw string concat.
// using is_numeric because is_int("1") === false
$filtered = array_filter('is_numeric', $selected_uids);
// You could also just call array_map('intval', $selected_uids);
// Depending on your needs.
if(!$filtered) {
return; // No valid values
$filteredStr = implode(',', $filtered);
$stmt = $this->conn->prepare("SELECT *
FROM `friendlist`
WHERE `uid` = ? AND `buddy_uid` NOT IN ($filteredStr)
GROUP BY `buddy_uid`;");
Should also be noted: if I were trying to use strings for an IN
query, I would likely do the following:
$filtered = array_map([$this->conn, 'escape_string'], $queried);
$inQuery = '\'' . implode('\',\'', $filtered) . '\'';
I find that notation cleaner and easier than a dynamically generated bind_param
format string.