How can I set the default locale in Python's factory_boy for all of my Factories?
In docs says that one should set it with factory.Faker.override_default_locale
but that does nothing to my fakers...
import factory
from app.models import Example
from custom_fakers import CustomFakers
# I use custom fakers, this indeed are added
# But not default locales
class ExampleFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
class Meta:
model = Example
name = factory.Faker('first_name')
>>> from example import ExampleFactory
>>> e1 = ExampleFactory()
>>> u'Chad'
The Faker.override_default_locale()
is a context manager, although it's not very clear from the docs.
As such, to change the default locale for a part of a test:
with factory.Faker.override_default_locale('es_ES'):
For the whole test:
def test_foo(self):
user = ExampleFactory()
For all the tests (Django):
TEST_RUNNER = 'myproject.testing.MyTestRunner'
# myproject/
import factory
from django.conf import settings
from django.util import translation
import django.test.runner
class MyTestRunner(django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner):
def run_tests(self, test_labels, extra_tests=None, **kwargs):
with factory.Faker.override_default_locale(translation.to_locale(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)):
return super().run_tests(test_labels, extra_tests=extra_tests, **kwargs)
More on it here.