The following won't work since sides is a Dom.nodeList
and DomTokenList.forEach
expects a Dom.domTokenList
open Bs_webapi.Dom;
external length : Dom.nodeList => int = "" [@@bs.get];
let sides = Document.querySelectorAll "#carousel > figure" document;
DomTokenList.forEach (fun item _ => print_endline item) (sides);
Paraphrased from the Reason Discord, courtesy of @anmonteiro:
Js.Array.forEach Js.log (NodeList.toArray sides);
Here is an example of how to setAttribute
for each element in a NodeList
. Note, Element.ofNode
can be used to convert a Dom.node
to option Dom.element
open Bs_webapi.Dom;
external length : Dom.nodeList => int = "" [@@bs.get];
let sides = Document.querySelectorAll "#carousel > figure" document;
(fun side index =>
switch (Element.ofNode side) {
| Some element =>
Element.setAttribute "style" "some style here" element
| None => ()
(NodeList.toArray sides)