
NopCommerce: Image size constraints

Using NopComm 3.90.

Is there a way in NopComm to set an image size constraint?

In Config -> Settings -> Media Settings, I can set the size of the images, but from what I gather this is setting default sizes of images? I need to set a hard constraint on the image sizes that our publishers will have to abide by. Thanks.


  • If you are using default picture upload in admin panel this method gets triggered during picture insert

    /// <summary>
    /// Validates input picture dimensions
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pictureBinary">Picture binary</param>
    /// <param name="mimeType">MIME type</param>
    /// <returns>Picture binary or throws an exception</returns>
    public virtual byte[] ValidatePicture(byte[] pictureBinary, string mimeType)
        using (var destStream = new MemoryStream())
            ImageBuilder.Current.Build(pictureBinary, destStream, new ResizeSettings
                MaxWidth = _mediaSettings.MaximumImageSize,
                MaxHeight = _mediaSettings.MaximumImageSize,
                Quality = _mediaSettings.DefaultImageQuality
            return destStream.ToArray();

    If you set "MaximumImageSize" in media settings nopCommerce will auto resize large images.

    Setting a constraint to enforce a specific minimum picture size does not exists. But you could easily create a plugin for that.