
What is approximate worst case garbage collection duration on big heaps

I need a rule of thumb regarding the maximal time of full garbage collection. The motivation is to be able to distinguish between a faulty JVM process and a process which is under GC.

Suppose I have a regular general-purpose server hardware, HotSpot JVM 8, the heap size is 20G-40G, no specific GC and memory options are set. What is a reasonable time limit for GC to complete? Is it 5 minutes, 20 minutes or up to hours?

Update: My application is a memory intensive offline job dealing with big data structures. I don't need to tune GC at all. 10 seconds and 10 minutes pauses are bot fine if this limit is known.


  • It is very difficult to quantify how long GC "should" take because it depends on a number of factors:

    There are a couple of pathological situations that can cause excessive GC times:

    If you do need to pick a number, I suggest that you use one that "feels" right to you, and make it a configuration parameter so that it is easy to tweak. Also, turn on GC logging and look at the typical GC times that are reported there. (Particularly when the server load is high.)