I have a terminal server which is a standalone server and 4 database servers (remote servers) which employ the Windows Failover Cluster Manager. I have the requirement of getting the cluster status of all the DB servers and the command which I am using is
Get-ClusterGroup -Cluster ClusterServerName
While this command works perfectly fine when run from one of the database servers, if I try to execute the same command from the terminal server, it gives the following error:
Get-ClusterGroup : The term 'Get-ClusterGroup' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
I have checked the PowerShell version for both the terminal server and the remote computers and they are same (v4.0). Is there a way I can run the above command from terminal server itself?
The cmdlets that are associated with Windows Failover Clustering are part of a module called FailoverClusters. This module isn't loaded by default when you first launch PowerShell, even from the console of your cluster nodes. To load this cmdlet:
Import-Module FailoverClusters
you can always get a listing of the available modules using
Get-Module -ListAvailable
If the module is not present, then you should download it and then do the import of the psm1 file
Go through the documentation also for this:
Hope it helps