I want to create multiple chat rooms on a single page, where user can video/audio/text chat for different rooms. I have done for a single, but I don't have much idea about connection with on a single page.
I am using RTCMultiConnection V3.0 for single chat room.
I want to achieve mentioned in the below image.
Can anyone help me to achieve this?
Either use multiple RTCMultiConnection instances:
var room1 = new RTCMultiConnection();
var room2 = new RTCMultiConnection();
var room3 = new RTCMultiConnection();
connection.session.broadcast = true;
connection.open('each-user-unique-id'); // each user should call this
Now each user can join any room:
Remember, we set {broadcast:true}
above; which means that join
method will merely allows you join only the room owner/moderator/initiator.
You need to ask room moderator to give you list of all his participants.
var alreadyGivedParticipants = {};
connection.onPeerStateChanged = function(state) {
if (state.iceConnectionState !== 'connected') return; // ignore
if (alreadyGivedParticipants[state.userid]) return;
alreadyGivedParticipants[state.userid] = true; // to make sure we don't duplicate
connection.socket.emit(connection.socketCustonEvent, {
participants: connection.getAllParticipants(),
onlyForThisUser: state.userid
connection.connectSocket(function() {
connection.socket.on(connection.socketCustonEvent, function(message) {
if (message.onlyForThisUser !== connection.userid) return; // ignore
message.participants.forEach(function(pid) {
connection.join(pid); // join all room participants
You can even give each new user's information to existing participants.
var alreadyGivedParticipants = {};
connection.onPeerStateChanged = function(state) {
if (state.iceConnectionState !== 'connected') return; // ignore
if (alreadyGivedParticipants[state.userid]) return;
alreadyGivedParticipants[state.userid] = true; // to make sure we don't duplicate
connection.socket.emit(connection.socketCustonEvent, {
participants: connection.getAllParticipants(),
onlyForThisUser: state.userid
// below block shares new user with existing participants
connection.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(existingUser) {
connection.socket.emit(connection.socketCustonEvent, {
participants: [state.userid],
onlyForThisUser: existingUser
connection.connectSocket(function() {
connection.socket.on(connection.socketCustonEvent, function(message) {
if (message.onlyForThisUser !== connection.userid) return; // ignore
message.participants.forEach(function(pid) {
connection.join(pid); // join all room participants
You can use getPublicModerators method to get list of all public rooms. A live demo.