
360 Video can't reach to 60P output

I'm trying to check 360 Video performance with version 11.62465, the 360 video output can't reach to 60P when we play FHD@60P 360 video. The video decode will update video frame in every 14ms~17 ms, but the application can't call SbPlayerGetCurrentFrame() 16ms, then the drop frame happens. The drop frame rate is nearly 20%. I tried to use chrome://tracing/ check the performance and found that sometimes the rasterizer lasted 40ms, the CPU duration is only 8ms, does this mean the GPU ability is not enough? Will the cobalt render thread be blocked by other modules?

GPU Status


  • If the CPU duration per-frame is 8ms, then it does sound like the GPU is not powerful enough to process each video frame fast enough. The Cobalt render thread should never be blocked by other modules, though it may be worth double checking that your implementation of SbPlayerGetCurrentFrame() is not taking a long time to render (perhaps it acquires a lock?).

    You can use chrome://tracing/ to check the performance of the renderer when a non-360 FHD@60P video is playing, and compare that performance to when a 360 video is playing. This will tell you whether the renderer's performance is affected by the decode-to-texture process or not.