Am having problems converting from ANSI to Unicode and back. The following code snip describes what I am doing. I am getting 0x57 errors..
FUNCTION MultiByteToWideChar& (codePage~&, dwFlags~&, lpszMbstring$, byteCount&, lpwszWcstring$, wideCount&)
FUNCTION WideCharToMultiByte& (codePage~&, dwFlags~&, lpWideString$, BYVAL ccWideChar%, lpMultiByte$, BYVAL multibyte%, BYVAL defaultchar&, BYVAL usedchar&)
FUNCTION GetLastError& ()
DIM Filename AS STRING * 260, NewFilename AS STRING * 260, MultiByte AS STRING * 260
PRINT "Enter filename";: INPUT Filename$: 'Filename$ = Filename$ + CHR$(0)
x = MultiByteToWideChar(0, 0, Filename$, LEN(Filename$), NewFilename$, 260)
IF x = 0 THEN
PRINT "Error 0x"; HEX$(GetLastError)
PRINT "Processing: "; NewFilename$
' do unicode stuff here
x = WideCharToMultiByte(65001, 0, NewFilename$, LEN(NewFilename$), MultiByte$, 0, 0, 0)
' display processed filename
IF x = 0 THEN
PRINT "Error 0x"; HEX$(GetLastError)
PRINT MultiByte$
Some more args need to be passed with the BYVAL keyword:
FUNCTION MultiByteToWideChar& (BYVAL codePage~&, BYVAL dwFlags~&, lpszMbstring$, BYVAL byteCount&, lpwszWcstring$, BYVAL wideCount&)
FUNCTION WideCharToMultiByte& (BYVAL codePage~&, BYVAL dwFlags~&, lpWideString$, BYVAL ccWideChar%, lpMultiByte$, BYVAL multibyte%, BYVAL defaultchar&, BYVAL usedchar&)
Aside from that, the length of STRING * 260
is always 260, regardless of any value stored. This means Filename = Filename + CHR$(0)
won't work as intended, not that either of MultiByteToWideChar
or WideCharToMultiByte
require null-terminated input (that's why the byteCount
and ccWideChar
params exist; sometimes you only want to operate on a part of a string).
Worse, even if you use _MEMFILL
to set all bytes of Filename
to 0 to allow you to deal with things using ASCIIZ strings, INPUT
will fill any remaining bytes not explicitly entered into Filename
with CHR$(32)
(i.e. a blank space as if you pressed the spacebar). For example, if you enter "Hello", there would be 5 bytes for the string entered and 255 bytes of character code 32 (or &H20
if you prefer hexadecimal).
To save yourself this terrible headache ("hello world.bas" is a valid filename!), you'll want to use STRING
, not STRING * 260
. If the length is greater than 260, you should probably print an error message. Whether you allow a user to enter a new filename or not after that is up to you.
You'll also want to use the return value of MultiByteToWideChar
since it is the number of characters in NewFilename
DIM NewFilename AS STRING * 260
DIM MultiByte AS STRING * 260
' Note: LEN(NewFilename) = 260 (**always**)
' This is why the number of wide chars written
' is saved.
NewFilenameLen = MultiByteToWideChar(0, 0, Filename, LEN(Filename), NewFilename, LEN(NewFilename))
' Note: LEN(MultiByte) = 260 (**always**)
x = WideCharToMultiByte(65001, 0, NewFilename, NewFilenameLen, MultiByte, LEN(MultiByte), 0, 0)