
How can I show/hide a window with a hotkey?

I'm looking for a way to show/hide a window with a specific title. One example is when you press win+1, the first window at task bar will show, when you press again, it will be minimized.

I checked this page, but the methods they suggested are not working at my end.


  • You check whether a specific window has been minimized with WinGet. (Credit to Laszlo)

    WinGet WinState, MinMax, %WinTitle%   ; Retrieve minimized/maximized state

    You can then show or hide said window with WinMinimize and WinRestore.

    #m::WinMinimize, Untitled - Notepad   ; Minimize window to taskbar
    #r::WinRestore, Untitled - Notepad    ; Unminimize or unmaximize window

    The hotkey below checks a window's state, then minimizes or unminimizes the window.

       WinTitle := "Untitled - Notepad"
       WinGet WinState, MinMax, %WinTitle%  ; retrieve minimized/maximized state
          if (WinState = -1)                ; minimized
             WinRestore, %WinTitle%
          else                              ; not minimized
             WinMinimize, %WinTitle%

    See Also