
Change default color of Link from blue to white

I am using Link component from react-router-link which applies blue color css to the text just like an anchor tag does. I want to change this to white, how can I do that?

onHover I want to change it to blue.


  • Since Link get's transpiled to an <a>, you can use css to style all <a> and change all links color to white:

    a {
      color: #FFF;
    a:hover {
       color: #00F

    Or add a .link class to each Link:

    <Link to="/" className="link" />
    .link {
      color: #FFF;
    .link:hover {
       color: #00F

    Edit: You can also pass in an inline style. You can't pass :hover rules inline though:

    <Link to="/" style={{ color: '#FFF' }} />