There was such a problem that svg sprite'y not visible at all anywhere except the gulp itself. Here's what on the hosting ====>
And now the included gulp and everything works fine ===>
Script for adding sprites to the body
;( function( window, document ) {
'use strict';
var file = 'img/symbols.svg',
revision = 1;
if( !document.createElementNS || !document.createElementNS( '', 'svg' ).createSVGRect )
return true;
var isLocalStorage = 'localStorage' in window && window[ 'localStorage' ] !== null,
insertIT = function()
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterbegin', data );
insert = function()
if( document.body ) insertIT();
else document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', insertIT );
if( isLocalStorage && localStorage.getItem( 'inlineSVGrev' ) == revision )
data = localStorage.getItem( 'inlineSVGdata' );
if( data )
return true;
request = new XMLHttpRequest(); 'GET', file, true );
request.onload = function()
if( request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400 )
data = request.responseText;
if( isLocalStorage )
localStorage.setItem( 'inlineSVGdata', data );
localStorage.setItem( 'inlineSVGrev', revision );
catch( e ){}
}( window, document ) );
Have you used a debug statement to ensure you're getting the right data on the server-side?
Then AFTER, you cna use a console.log in this js script to log data to the console (or use the chrome javascript debugger and breakpoints).
I would ensure you're receiving the right data from the server. If the server gets a 500 error, JS usually just stops executing (sometimes it'll continue but he response is invalid).
This page describes how to use the chrome debugger: