
Can I use a Windows 8.1 API in Windows Embedded 8 Standard?

I am trying to make an embedded music device.

There is already an existing music API I would like to use which has support for Windows 8.1 (not embedded). I am trying to figure out if there is a way for me to leverage the existing 8.1 music API with what Windows offers in its embedded solutions. Because it is a music device, it needs to be as real-time as possible. I realize there is the Windows Embedded Compact edition, but I don't believe I would be able to use a Windows 8.1 SDK in this environment. Am I right?


  • I did a little bit more research myself, and IntervalZero ( turns windows operating systems into realtime operating systems. So, it appears like I will actually be able to use the music windows API with one of Windows embedded OSs and add on RTX (from Interval Zero) to make the music embedded system real time and thus suitable for my needs.

    I am going to look some more into how to use a Windows 8 API in Windows 10 IOT. Thanks!