I am using DHTMLXScheduler in my MVC5 webapplication to add patient and get patient's appointment and displaying this in calendar but I am having trouble i am getting data from database but this records not getting added according to start_time and end_time.
Calendar Controller:
public ActionResult Index()
var sched = new DHXScheduler(this);
sched.Skin = DHXScheduler.Skins.Terrace;
sched.LoadData = true;
sched.EnableDataprocessor = true;
sched.InitialDate = new DateTime(2016, 5, 5);
sched.Config.xml_date = "%d-%M-%Y %g:%i:%s%A";
return View(sched);
public ContentResult Data()
return (new SchedulerAjaxData(
new Entities().AppointmentsLogs.Select(e=> new { id = e.AppointmentId, start_date = e.StartTime.ToString(), end_date=e.EndTime, text = e.PatientName })
// .Select(e => new { e.id, e.text, e.start_date, e.end_date })
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>DHXScheduler initialization sample</title>
body {
background-color: #eee;
<div name="timeline_tab" style="height:700px;width:900px;margin:0 auto">
<script src="~/scripts/dhtmlxScheduler/dhtmlxscheduler.js"></script>
<script src="~/scripts/dhtmlxScheduler/ext/dhtmlxscheduler_timeline.js"></script>
Looks like you send start and end dates in different formats:
, start_date = e.StartTime.ToString(), end_date=e.EndTime,
StartTime is converted to string using system culture https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k494fzbf(v=vs.110).aspx , while the EndTime is passed as DateTime and serialized by scheduler helper.
Does anything changes if you pass both dates as DateTime?
new Entities()
.Select(e=> new
id = e.AppointmentId,
start_date = e.StartTime,
text = e.PatientName