Inherited a Sitefinity site. Need to add a MVC widget for the details view on the news pages.
I found this documentation but I can't make heads or tails of it - maybe it was for a different version. I finally found the UrlkeyPrefix
buried deep in the news widget options, but following the instructions of the documentation added "!content" in the middle of my details page URL (which I can't have happening) and still did not display my custom widget.
Does anyone know how to correctly configure the controller to get the widget to show up for the details pages?
I sort of got the example in the documentation to work, except that there's this very annoying "!content" in my URL still
public ActionResult Filter()
return View("index", InitializeModel());
Navigating to the URL sans "!content" just shows the list page.
The nature of MVC is such that you're only able to invoke one action at a time.
Assuming that you're invoking the Details action on the NewsController, the other widget you've placed on the page won't understand how to respond to a Details action unless you do one of two things:
If you want to invoke your Index action on your custom widget when the Details action is invoked on News:
protected override void HandleUnknownAction(string actionName)
this.ActionInvoker.InvokeAction(this.ControllerContext, "Index");