
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'attributes' of undefined

Hello everyone i am trying to perform delete operation in my web app,when i am deleting an element from DB, in console its showing this error.Please give your valuable solution for this Thanks in advance.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'attributes' of undefined
at _clearTreeSelection (orphanController.js:888)
at Scope.$scope.clearSelection (orphanController.js:659)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (orphanController.js:1058)

at line number 888 this is my code:

//This is to clear the selectedNode of angular tree on modal close
_clearTreeSelection = function () {
$scope.orphanData.orphanText = 
$scope.orphanData.orphan.attributes.text;//This is line no.888
if ($scope.OntologyTree && $scope.OntologyTree.currentNode) {
        $scope.OntologyTree.currentNode = null;

at line number 659 this is my code:

$scope.clearSelection = function () {
    _clearTreeSelection();//line no.659

at line number 1058 this is my code:

_modal.on('', function () {
    $scope.suggestionListSearchText = '';
        $scope.clearSelection();// line no. 1058

I have checked all over stackoverflow, i cant find the suitable solution for this problem.


  • This means that your $scope.orphanData.orphan is undefined. Find where have you declared this object and be sure that it refers to an object.