Convert floor plan to 3D

I have tried this 2d to 3d floor plan conversion here:

I got the conversion id in the end. What to do next?

I found out the conversion in firebase db status shows "IN_PROGRESS", will it change the conversion in firebase db status to "COMPLETED" automatically when it's completed?

Will I get the 3d ojbect file back?



  • On status update your node server will get a callback from the api server and triggers this function which sends the person that ordered the model an email with the url to the model:

    if (status === 'COMPLETED') {
      console.log(`Floor plan conversion successful`)
      const sceneUrl = io3d.scene.getViewerUrl({ sceneId: conversionData.sceneId })
      const emailBody = `Your 3D model is ready: ${sceneUrl}`
      return sendEmailToCustomer(rpc, {
        to: [toEmail],
        from: configs.fromEmail,
        subject: 'Your 3D Model Is Ready',
        text: emailBody,
        html: emailBody

    the code can be adapted here:

    So basically you get back the sceneId in an url which opens the Archilogic viewer!<sceneId>