
Use apache as frontend to Glassfish

Is it possible at all to do what I'm trying to do?

I have a domain - - installed on a webserver Ubuntu 16.04/Apache.

Behind Apache I'm running a standard Glassfish (Payara actually) on standard port 8080.

On Payara I have a webapp - myWebapp - deployed on root context /

when i point my broser directly to port 8080 it shows my web app as i expect: => webapp shown.

1) first i want to hide my Payara behind apache and make sure when people write the are redirected to => myWebapp is shown.

This part works using AJP and my certificates are all in place.

In my default.conf in the

<VirtualHost *:80>

have inserted the following line:

Redirect permanent /

it takes care of the redirection to HTTPS. But i'm in doubt if this is the right way to do it.

Everything else in the conf file is standard.

in my ssl.conf file in the

<virtualHost *.443>

I have inserted


and paths to SSL certificates. It's working as expected.

further more i have added

ProxyPass / ajp://
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://

Again, this works well. If i write

I'm redirected to => myWebapp is shown.

This is perfect.

but if i write

for instance I'm not shown the phpmyadmin page.

How can i accomplish this and is it possible at all?

thanks for any help.



  • You have a conflict in the following configuration:

    ProxyPass / ajp://
    ProxyPassReverse / ajp://

    This sends all http requests, also to your Payara server

    What you need instead is something like

    ProxyPass /myWebapp ajp://
    ProxyPassReverse /myWebapp ajp://

    so that only relative URLs that start with /myWebapp are redirected to your Payara server and /phpmyadmin is still hosted by Apache.

    The Apache documentation mentions:

    Only specific URIs can be proxied, as shown in this example:

    ProxyPass "/images"  ""
    ProxyPassReverse "/images"  ""

    In the above, any requests which start with the /images path with be proxied to the specified backend, otherwise it will be handled locally.