
docker: how to show the diffs between 2 images

I have a Dockerfile with a sequence of RUN instructions that execute "apt-get install"s; for example, a couple of lines:

RUN apt-get install -y tree
RUN apt-get install -y git

After having executed "docker build", if I then execute "docker images -a", I see the listing of all the base-child-child-.... images that were created during the build.

I'd like to see a list of all of the packages that were installed when the "apt-get install -y git" line was executed (including the dependent packages that may have also been installed, besides the git packages).

Note: I believe that the "docker diff" command shows the diffs between a container and the image from which it was started. Instead I'd like the diffs between 2 images (of the same lineage): the "tree" and "git" image IDs. Is this possible?



  • Have a look at :

    This tool can diff local or remote docker images and can do so without requiring docker to be installed. It has file as well as package level "differs" (for example: apt, npm, and pip) so that you can more easily see the differences in packages that have changed between two docker images.

    Disclaimer: I am a contributor to this project