Are there any solutions for this problem?
Running the Tango API displays a warning dialog on the library
Our team has the same problem. The guide mentioned doesn't really help. Not "" is private, as far as i did understand:
are the private platform libs we can still use in api version 24, but in 24+ they will not be accessible anymore. The warning also appears on the latest c-examples. There must be a solution for that, caused by the fact that there exists applications without any warnings like this (Rtabmap).
I would be grateful for any help.
I assume you duplicated the question because you are unable to comment yet. I have the same issue so I cannot respond on that thread either but I can give you a workaround which seems very poor but I don't have any other solution.
For each missing file you can include the prebuilt library as the Developer Site suggests: should update your app to either include its own copy of those libraries or only use the public NDK APIs.
I added the following to the make file and put a copy of the files in the relevant folder:
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := binder
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := cutils
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := android_runtime
This does not seem like the correct way to do this and I suspect there will be many dependencies. GDB log shows which symbols I cannot load which I will include below. I did start going through one by one seeing which one logcat complained about next in the hope it won't need them all but that may be in vain. I can't believe I have to add all of the following symbols:
I will be watching the other thread you referred to which I have upvoted and hope that someone will give us a sensible solution. It seems unlikely that API 24 has only messed up Tango developers.
I programmatically generated make file code from the log and my program has compiled and run. The Tango config returns null but that is a new issue I suppose. Here are the prebuilt includes. Just add the files to the source path.