I am using OctoberCMS and I have used Builder plugin to create one of my plugins called as Properties which works fine so far.
The Thing is, I have 2 fields called as authority
and auction_date
is a drop-down field which has options like auction and etc.. whereas auction_date
is simple a date
field depends on authority
field and it is required only if authority
field has a selected value called as auction and authority
field is not required at the same time. Hence I put below code in my Property plugin's model file.
Model File - Property.php
public $rules = [
'auction_date' => 'required_if:authority,==,auction',
This works well, I am able to validate my auction_date
field if authority
drop-down's value selected auction from the list.
However, here basically auction_date
is not a required field by default. It is dependent field of authority
Yet the field showing asterisk(*) beside this field when I load the page. Here below how it looks like.
I have tried to update my plugin's fields.yaml file my putting below code.
label: 'Auction Date:'
oc.commentPosition: ''
mode: date
span: auto
type: datepicker
tab: 'Address Information'
required: false
This code required: false
did not work for me.
I came across the solution to update below system library files.
And doing this, Field definition should override magic.
But frankly, I do not want to mess with any system file here. It would be ideal if I can find some solution which can deal this thing inside one of plugin files.
If someone guide me to accomplish this, it would be awesome.
Thanks in advance.
You can wait for the next release or override the method used to determine if something is required.
public function filterFields($fields)
$fields->auction_date->required = false;