
How can I add a user to organization in ASANA via API?

I'd like to add a new user to ASANA programmatically. I already have the OAUTH App and the user token.

Looking at the API I can't find a way to "create a new user".

Is it possible to create a new user simple via API?

Otherwise, is it possible to "invite" a new user via given email? Like from the UI where you can put the EMAIL and the system send an invitation link!

I tried with:[WORKSPACEID]/addUser?user=[NEW USER EMAIL]

But I get a BAD REQUEST in response:

"errors": [
        "message": "Could not parse request data, invalid JSON",
        "help": "For more information on API status codes and how to handle them, read the docs on errors:"


Thank you very much


  • I've never tried to do that specifically, but recently I did attempt to add members to a project through the API. There was nothing in the documentation about it, and I was told that it wasn't a supported API operation.

    I would guess that if there's no mention of this feature in the documentation that it's also not supported for a similar reason.