I have a test for an actor that might respond with some unexpected messages but eventually it must respond with a particular known message. So in essence I want an assertion that will within in some timespan ignore other messages but expect a known message, like so:
public async Task Should_fetch_fund_shareclass_and_details_from_test_service()
var testIsins = new HashSet<string> {"isin1", "isin2", "isin3"};
var props = Props.Create(() => new DataFetchSupervisor());
var actor = Sys.ActorOf(props, "fetchSupervisor");
Within(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), () =>
actor.Tell(new StartDataFetch(testIsins));
//ignore unexpected messages here
var fetchComplteMsg = ExpectMsg<DataFetchComplete>();
So now this will fail because I get some other messages before DataFetchComplete message.
As always, thanks in advance for any help.
Akka.TestKit class has a number of different versions of ExcpectMsg
or equivalent checkers. The one you're looking for is probably a FishForMessage. It takes a predicate and will ignore all incoming messages as long as they will fail to pass predicate's condition. Once a passing message is found this check will complete and your code may be continued.