I want to change the Text of YES
and NO
buttons in a message box.
CModalWndManager::ShowMessageBox(AnsiString::LoadStr(IDS_NOT_SUPPORTED).c_str(), mtWarning, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbYes << mbNo, mbOK == mrYes);
Instead of YES
, I want "Switch Mode"
, and for NO
I want "Exit"
Is it possible to do this in RAD Studio XE?
TForm* Dlg = CreateMessageDialog(
"Purge Warp Core?", mtConfirmation,
TMsgDlgButtons() << mbYes << mbNo);
TButton* yb = dynamic_cast<TButton *>
if (yb)
yb->Caption = "Affirmative";
TButton* nb = dynamic_cast<TButton *>
if (nb)
nb->Caption = "Negative";
int Rslt = Dlg->ShowModal();
switch (Rslt) {
case mrYes: ;// do "Yes" stuff
case mrNo: ;// do "No" stuff