
Batch/CMD stops after OpenVPN command line

I'm trying to create an auto connect and disconnect file with the OpenVPN and in addition to that, set my WiFi adapters DNS to (becuase of DNS leaks) and back to normal.

Here's my current code:

@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
set EXE=openvpn-gui.exe
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% goto NOT
goto RUNS

taskkill /im openvpn-gui.exe /f
taskkill /im openvpn.exe /f
netsh interface IPv4 set dnsserver "WiFi" dhcp
ipconfig /flushdns

cd "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin"
openvpn-gui.exe --connect "vpn-connection-file.ovpn" 

netsh interface IPv4 set dnsserver "WiFi" static both
ipconfig /flushdns

The first lines of my codes checks if openVPN is running, if it does, go to RUN, else to NOT.

NOT is ending OpenVPN and sets DNS back to normal.

RUN is opening OpenVPN and esatblishes a connection to my config file.

However, after this line:

openvpn-gui.exe --connect "vpn-connection-file.ovpn" 

CMD won't continue with the rest of the codes. It just stops, and the white space bar is blinking. (Not possible to enter any keys or whatever.) Checking if the rest of the codes have been executed is negative.

Anybody know whats going on here?


  • CMD waits for openvpn-gui.exe to end. Try it with start

    start openvpn-gui.exe --connect "vpn-connection-file.ovpn"