
How to define multiple functions and call one function inside other function in Angular JS Factory

Can Anyone help me how to create multiple function in Angular JS Factory, And I want to access the returned value from one function and process something in another function , I have tried below but didn't succeed

In Below Function I wanted to fetch value in modifyProduct function which we get from getProduct(

I have referred below Questions but didnt get much understanding

AngularJS : From a factory, how can I call another function

Calling a function in another function with AngularJS factory

 app.factory('ProductsService', function($http) {
  function getProduct() {
    return $http.get('finalmsodetails.json').then(function(response) {

  function modifyProduct() {
    this.getProduct().then(function(value) {
  return {
    getProduct: getProduct,
    modifyProduct: modifyProduct


  • You're close. Just need to drop this., because you're calling another function that's defined in the local scope, not some method on an object. And i think you probably will want to have modifyProduct return the promise, so that anyone calling this function can tell when it succeeds or fails.

    function modifyProduct() {
      return getProduct().then(function(value) {