
How to detect an iOS app install campaign inside the app

I would like to find out in my iOS app if the app was installed due to an ad campaign link. Google Analytics is doing this and it is tracked on their analytics web page. iTunes Connect is doing this too and it is also tracked on the iTC web page. I'm looking now for a way to get this information inside the app. When the app first starts i want to check if it was installed because the user was sent to the App Store by a campaign link and what campaign id it was. Is there a way for an iOS app to ask Google Analytics, Firebase or iTC/StoreKit what campaign has led to its install?


  • It looks like Adjust can do this:

    Adjust says it uses fingerprinting when IDFA is not available

    According to and the Adjust SDK seems to allow the app access to its data including campaign name for installs.

    I will comment later if this really worked.

    I got an answer from Adjust saying:

    yes it is possible with the Adjust SDK to attribute installs to the source which drove that install.

    By setting up campaign parameter structure to the tracker URL, you can actually find out the the Network Name, Campaign Name, Adgroup Name and Creative Name.

    For your reference here is the guide to setup campaign parameter structures ->