
Liferay: localize layout template names

I have written a maven module, which contains my custom layout for liferay. The layout works fine but I also want it's name to be translated in a few languages. Here's my liferay-layout-templates.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE layout-templates PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Layout Templates 6.2.0//EN" "">

    <layout-template id="2_columns_layout-75_25" name="myLayout">

I tried to delete name attribute and add language keys(which were the same to my template id) and values to my hook module, but it didn't work.


  • At first I was inclined to state that there's no built-in way to localize layout templates. However, I've looked up the JSP in question (in Liferay's html/portlet/layouts_admin/layout/layout_templates_list.jsp) and found the following line (shortened and edited):

    <%= HtmlUtil.escape(LanguageUtil.get(locale, 
        "layout-template-" + layoutTemplateName, layoutTemplateName)) %>

    So it looks like the localization keys that you'll need to use for translating your layout-template's name needs to be starting with "layout-template-" followed by the layout template's own name, e.g. given the xml from your question: layout-template-myLayout=My first localized layout template