I'm currently doing a course on Coursera (Machine Leraning) offered by University of Washington and I'm facing little problem with the numpy
and graphlab
The course requests to use a version of graphlab
higher than 1.7
Mine is higher as you can see below, however, when I run the script below, I got an error as follows:
[INFO] graphlab.cython.cy_server: GraphLab Create v2.1 started.
def get_numpy_data(data_sframe, features, output):
data_sframe['constant'] = 1
features = ['constant'] + features # this is how you combine two lists
# the following line will convert the features_SFrame into a numpy matrix:
feature_matrix = features_sframe.to_numpy()
# assign the column of data_sframe associated with the output to the SArray output_sarray
# the following will convert the SArray into a numpy array by first converting it to a list
output_array = output_sarray.to_numpy()
return(feature_matrix, output_array)
(example_features, example_output) = get_numpy_data(sales,['sqft_living'], 'price') # the [] around 'sqft_living' makes it a list
print example_features[0,:] # this accesses the first row of the data the ':' indicates 'all columns'
print example_output[0] # and the corresponding output
----> 8 feature_matrix = features_sframe.to_numpy()
NameError: global name 'features_sframe' is not defined
The script above was written by the course authors, so I believe there is something I'm doing wrong
Any help will be highly appreciated.
You are supposed to complete the function get_numpy_data
before running it, that's why you are getting an error. Follow the instructions in the original function, which actually are:
def get_numpy_data(data_sframe, features, output):
data_sframe['constant'] = 1 # this is how you add a constant column to an SFrame
# add the column 'constant' to the front of the features list so that we can extract it along with the others:
features = ['constant'] + features # this is how you combine two lists
# select the columns of data_SFrame given by the features list into the SFrame features_sframe (now including constant):
# the following line will convert the features_SFrame into a numpy matrix:
feature_matrix = features_sframe.to_numpy()
# assign the column of data_sframe associated with the output to the SArray output_sarray
# the following will convert the SArray into a numpy array by first converting it to a list
output_array = output_sarray.to_numpy()
return(feature_matrix, output_array)