I tried to reproduce This example in Rstudio, It is working very well. Then I just put everything together to download the template in shiny ! but it does not work :
library( ggplot2 )
library( magrittr )
library( ggplot2 )
library( magrittr )
ui<- fluidPage(
downloadButton('downloadData', 'Download')
server<- function(input, output,session) {
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = "file.docx",
content = function(file) {
target_file <- "bookmark_example.docx" # file to produce
template <- system.file(package = "ReporteRs",
"templates/bookmark_example.docx" ) # template example
doc = docx(template=template)
ft <- vanilla.table( data = head(iris), add.rownames=TRUE )
myplot1 <- ggplot(data = iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, color = Species),
alpha = I(0.7) )
doc %>%
addParagraph( value = "Jane Doe", stylename = "small", bookmark = "AUTHOR" ) %>%
addParagraph( value = "John Doe", stylename = "small", bookmark = "REVIEWER" ) %>%
addFlexTable( flextable = ft, bookmark = "DATA" ) %>%
addPlot( fun = print, x = myplot1, bookmark = "PLOT" ) %>%
writeDoc( file = target_file)
if I run the server content, without putting in shiny, It would update my template but in shiny when I click on download button, it returns :
Any idea where is the mistake ???
Please check this line and adapt:
writeDoc(file = file) #replace target_file with file
Why? The function DownloadHandler takes two main arguments:
1) filename - the name the file will get (evaluated only at the beginning, so put it inside a reactive expression in case it changes by user input).
2) content - takes already care of creating a temporary file for you, hence you need to supply the file argument from your content function.
Otherwise (like in your example) you create a second .docx somewhere inside ShinyApp without pointing it to the content function.