
Chaining multiple mapreduce tasks in Hadoop streaming

I am in scenario where I have two mapreduce jobs. I am more comfortable with python and planning to use it for writing mapreduce scripts and use hadoop streaming for the same. is there a convenient to chain both the jobs following form when hadoop streaming is used?

Map1 -> Reduce1 -> Map2 -> Reduce2

I've heard a lot of methods to accomplish this in java, But i need something for Hadoop streaming.


  • Here is a great blog post on how to use Cascading and Streaming.

    The value here is you can mix java (Cascading query flows) with your custom streaming operations in the same app. I find this much less brittle than other methods.

    Note, the Cascade object in Cascading allows you to chain multiple Flows (via the above blog post your Streaming job would become a MapReduceFlow).

    Disclaimer: I'm the author of Cascading