I am trying to create build script with VS2008
call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat" > NUL
echo working on my_solution.sln...
devenv "my_solution.sln" /build "%Release|win32" /out "make.log"
The thing is that I want to add VC++ include file folder and library folder in script, not in solution config because in other PCs, these folders may be located in different place.
Anyone has any idea?
Short answer: use environment variables.
Before invoking devenv
, extend the INCLUDE
and LIB
environment variables:
call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat" > NUL
echo working on my_solution.sln...
SET INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;d:\your\path\to\your\include\folder
SET LIB=%LIB%;d:\your\path\to\your\lib\folder
devenv "my_solution.sln" /build "%Release|win32" /out "make.log"
Alternately you could also do this:
Update the solution to reference %MY_PRIVATE_INCLUDE%
as additional directories in the solution's Include and Link settings. Then just assign these values at build time.
call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat" > NUL
echo working on my_solution.sln...
SET MY_PRIVATE_INCLUDE=d:\your\path\to\your\include\folder
SET MY_PRIVATE_LIB=%LIB%;d:\your\path\to\your\lib\folder
devenv "my_solution.sln" /build "%Release|win32" /out "make.log"