
Some pages are not loading in Sonarqube 5.6.6

Suddenly I'm experiencing a huge problem in my Sonar. I cannot access some of the main pages under my projects.

For example, once I click on the project,

But if I do any analysis from Sonar-runner it's executing successfully. I don't see any other issues excepts things I pointed above.

I have taken following actions to rectify the issue but still no luck.

Appreciate if somebody guides me to fix this issue. Since I cannot go for a fresh installation because I need all my History data.

Thank you.


  • I could fixed this issue. I assumed this is something issue with the network response due to packet filtering or something else.

    First I installed sonar in my local machine and then tried to execute Sonar-Runner analysis and then checked and it worked well.

    Then I have realized this is something related to my remote network. therefore I have installed the Sonar in different location (Data center) and its also working.

    Thanks to everyone for the guidance and I leave this post here so anyone can read later if they have the same issue.