
How to stop jupyter server using anaconda

I am using anaconda navigator to launch jupyter notebook server, But when I want to stop the server, I could not find a way to do it.

Because there is no terminal when I'm using anaconda navigator, I can't use Ctrl +c to stop the server. And I am running on Windows.

Any help will be appreciated ^_^


  • You can click on the check box which appears when you close anaconda navigator.

    Refer Snapshot here

    If you have already closed the navigator, open cmd and type jupyter-notebook list.

    Then you can kill the port using following commands:

    netstat -o -n -a | findstr :3000
       TCP              LISTENING       3116
    taskkill /F /PID 3116

    Substitute findstr parameter with which ever port is running. More info on how to kill a process in windows.