
How to add fake Credit Card Visa for Android pay?

I am developing an android application which uses android pay for the payment. In the website. This is what the webiste write in the documentation "Tap the Buy button and select the fake Visa credit card from before." but there are no fake account that appear. I also follow other tutorials that they have this fake account. Card Number: 4622 9431 2999 9901 Expiry: 12/17 CVV: 213

but after adding the address etc. android pay says it cannot add the credit card. How can I resolve this for developing purposes?


  • To add some "fake"/sandbox card enable Sandbox Mode by executing following commands from command prompt/terminal:

    adb shell
    cd /sdcard/Download;
    rm ­-f android_pay_env_override_*;
    touch android_pay_env_override_sandbox;

    Once done restart your phone and add following test credit card detail:

    Card Number: 4622 9431 2999 9901
    Expiry: 12/17
    CVV: 213

    After that for billing address you can use any valid billing address and your fake card will be ready to use.

    I found one more detail on android pay github issue where one of the contributor mentioned that You will need to add a real card to Android Pay, and then if you test your app using the sandbox you will not actually be charged. Link to this comment:

    I am not sure if real card wont be charged when sandbox is enabled.

    To revert from Sandbox to production execute following commands from command prompt/terminal:

    adb shell
    cd /sdcard/Download;
    rm -­f android_pay_env_override_*;