I can't figure this out and isn't my strong side of codeing ether.
As of right now it'll only print the first person and timestamp, not anything more.
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
include '../connection.php';
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM messagebox
ON messagebox.sid = person.sid
ORDER BY messagebox.id DESC
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
if ($switch=='1')
echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">";
echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#F9F9F9\">";
$elfstring = utf8_encode($row['shout']);
function smiley($elfstring) {
$elfstring = ereg_replace(":)","<img src=!.png alt=\"!\" >", $elfstring);
$elfstring = ereg_replace(":(","<img src=laugh.gif alt=\":D\" >", $elfstring);
$elfstring = ereg_replace(":p","<img src=tongue.gif alt=\":p\" >", $elfstring);
return $elfstrings;
$messages = smiley($elfstring);
echo "";
echo "<td width=\"100\" valign=\"top\"><strong>" . $row['name'] . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td width=\"100\" valign=\"top\">" . "(" . $row['place'] .")</td>";
echo "<td width=\"70\" valign=\"top\">" . "" . date('H:i:s',strtotime ($row['timestamp'])) ."</td>";
echo "<td valign=\"top\">" . smiley($elfstrings) . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
I know some parts of this code is deprecated, but the server using this is old and isn't up to date.
Thanks in advance for help.
function smiley(){
outside of your while
loop. (
and )
are special regex characters and will cause errors. Use str_replace
because you are doing static replacements anyway."
or '
, this can simplify string construction because you won't need to escape.So make the ending of your script:
function smiley($elfstring) {
return str_replace(array(':)', ':(', ':p'),
array('<img src="!.png" alt="!" >', '<img src="laugh.gif" alt=":D" >', '<img src="tongue.gif" alt=":p" >'),