
Get a row from QStringListModel (from qml)

I found multiple answers on how to do it from C++, but not from QML.

How is it possible to get a specific (based on index) row from QStringListModel? I tried expressions that worked from other models, but it did not work for QStringListModel. I also tried to use

var dataRow = myModel.data(rowNumber)

But it returned "undefined".


  • When you call myModel.data you are calling QVariant QAbstractItemModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole). This methods takes a QModelIndex and an optional int for the role.
    The display role is what you want when you query a QStringListModel so you don't need to specify the role parameter.
    However you do need to specify the index parameter with a valid QModelIndex. You can get one from the model with QModelIndex QAbstractItemModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const

    So in your case the correct way to do it would be :
    var dataRow = myModel.data(myModel.index(rowNumber, 0));

    You can call data and index from QML because both are Q_INVOKABLE.