The following gives a syntax error:
python -m pip install scikit-learn
SyntaxError: invalid syntax There is a "^" under the 2nd 'p' in pip.
I am using the SHELL. There are two programs in the Windows 10 program group: "Python 3.6 (32-bit)" and "IDLE (Python 3.6 32bit)." I am using the first one, which opens a small black command window.
The Python 3.6 man page says this is the way to install modules:
python -m pip install SomePackage
It also says pip is automatically included in Python 3.6. It also says that with 3.6 all dependencies of SomePackage are automatically installed (scikit-learn has two dependencies).
I tried "import pip" in another attempt, and I got exactly the same results.
Thanks for any help.
This problem occurs when you try to run pip
from the Python interpreter. Instead, run from the Windows Command Prompt and you should have no issues.