It is mentioned in broom
website that it can be used for TukeyHSD
and multcomp
(See here). However, I could not figure it out how to use broom
for TukeyHSD
and multcomp
See MWE given below.
df1 <- data.frame(
Rep = factor(rep(1:3, each = 4, times = 2)),
Trt = rep(paste0("T", 1:4), times = 6),
Loc = rep(paste0("Loc", 1:2), each = 12),
Y = rnorm(24)
df2 <- filter(df1, Loc=="Loc1")
fm1 <- aov(Y ~ Rep + Trt , data = df2)
fm1Tukey1 <-
data.frame(Letter = multcompLetters(TukeyHSD(fm1)$Trt[, "p adj"])$Letters)
fm1Tukey <- data.frame(Trt = row.names(fm1Tukey1), fm1Tukey1)
fm1Means1 <-
Mean = as.matrix(model.tables(x = fm1, type = "means")[[1]]$Trt)
, SE = model.tables(x = fm1, type = "means", se = TRUE)$se$Trt
names(fm1Means1) <- c("Mean", "SE")
fm1Means2 <- data.frame(Trt = row.names(fm1Means1), fm1Means1)
fm1Means <- left_join(fm1Means2, fm1Tukey)
fm3 <-
df1 %>%
group_by(Loc) %>%
do(model = aov(Y ~ Rep + Trt , data = .))
fm3 %>% tidy(model)
What about this solution ?
fm3 <-
df1 %>%
group_by(Loc) %>%
do(multitst = TukeyHSD(aov(Y ~ Rep + Trt , data = .)))
fm3 %>% tidy(multitst)
The result is:
# A tibble: 18 x 7
# Groups: Loc [2]
Loc term comparison estimate conf.low conf.high adj.p.value
<fctr> <fctr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Loc1 Rep 2-1 1.06654704 -0.5666584 2.6997525 0.1920531
2 Loc1 Rep 3-1 0.07349636 -1.5597091 1.7067018 0.9895627
3 Loc1 Rep 3-2 -0.99305068 -2.6262561 0.6401548 0.2283849
4 Loc1 Trt T2-T1 0.66688371 -1.4607989 2.7945663 0.7105928
5 Loc1 Trt T3-T1 -0.34873829 -2.4764209 1.7789443 0.9382673
6 Loc1 Trt T4-T1 0.76089899 -1.3667836 2.8885816 0.6281933
7 Loc1 Trt T3-T2 -1.01562201 -3.1433046 1.1120606 0.4201776
8 Loc1 Trt T4-T2 0.09401528 -2.0336673 2.2216979 0.9985800
9 Loc1 Trt T4-T3 1.10963728 -1.0180453 3.2373199 0.3556331
10 Loc2 Rep 2-1 -0.59970808 -2.4360070 1.2365908 0.6023328
11 Loc2 Rep 3-1 -0.29558179 -2.1318807 1.5407171 0.8768041
12 Loc2 Rep 3-2 0.30412629 -1.5321726 2.1404252 0.8702266
13 Loc2 Trt T2-T1 -1.06715766 -3.4594233 1.3251080 0.4703902
14 Loc2 Trt T3-T1 -1.38659230 -3.7788579 1.0056733 0.2828393
15 Loc2 Trt T4-T1 -1.23727832 -3.6295439 1.1549873 0.3616019
16 Loc2 Trt T3-T2 -0.31943464 -2.7117003 2.0728310 0.9646736
17 Loc2 Trt T4-T2 -0.17012066 -2.5623863 2.2221450 0.9942021
18 Loc2 Trt T4-T3 0.14931398 -2.2429516 2.5415796 0.9960495