I have a Google Sheet with some stock information.
I'm using the formula GOOGLEFINANCE($B2, "price",TODAY()-15)
to retrieve historical information about a stock (symbol named in $B2
That returns a 2x2 table:
Date Close
8/25/2017 17:36:00 7.46
I only want the 7.46:
I get:
8/25/2017 17:36:00 7.46
I can't see to be able to nest FILTER
I checked the documentation. Other than say that I should not use FILTER
to filter columns and rows in the same call, I didn't get much out of it.
For 2 filters try:
=FILTER(FILTER(GOOGLEFINANCE($B2, "price",TODAY()-15),{false;true}),{false,true})
I prefer query in this case:
=QUERY(GOOGLEFINANCE($B2, "price",TODAY()-15),"select Col2 label Col2 ''")
Also please try this formulas separately:
and see the result.