
Android Vitals. "Session" and "crash free users"

Hello, everybody!
I have some questions to Android Vitals.
What is "session" mean? Maybe "session" in Android Vitals is equaled to "session" in Crashlytics? Or "session" is equaled to "session" in Google Analytics?
I want to understand concept "session" on an example. I use application within 20 minutes. After that, I use other applications within 2 hours. After that, I use my application within 30 minutes. And after that, I block my phone and don't use the phone until the end of the day. How many sessions will be as a result?
Another question. How does Android Vitals calculate "crash free sessions"? I use my app within 5 minutes and after that, there is the crash? But the app is restarted in 10 seconds. How many sessions will be and how many sessions with crash will be a result?
Can I have the opportunity to calculate "crash free users" in Android Vitals independently? And I can't find total numbers of sessions?


  • According to documentation:

    Stability | Crash rate: The percentage of users who experienced at least one crash event during a daily session. Crashes are often caused by unhandled exceptions, resource exhaustion, failed assertions, or other unexpected states.

    Meaning in a one specific day, if your user opened an app couple times and experienced at least one crash - his session will be considered as crashed and will be included in statistics as crash-affected user If during the day all foreground sessions, a user does not experience any crash - he considered as a crash-free user.

    In General - "session" is a period of time when a process is running in foreground up till it's being killed.